Life is but a dream…

If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time.


Temporary Hiatus

Healingbalm Cafe is still operational, however there will be a temporary hiatus due to imporant summer projects. Thanks very much for your love and support! God Bless you all!

-Puja Nagualღ


WARNING! This blog is on temporary hiatus due to the NBA FINALS!!! Oklahoma City Vs. Miami Heat

Just so you know OKC is going to take the title!!!! Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

In the meantime God commands YOU to STUDY and PRAY!

Godspeed! We will resume our regularly sheduled bloggin’ after OKC has won! ; )  & 🏀 BABY!

(You know I don’t get nuttin done during B-BALL SEASON -_- )

God is the Resolution

As a new year is beckoning us one can’t help but ponder the challenges, obstacles, twisting and winding roads that have met us. Some are still paralyzed perhaps, by this past year’s events. Maybe you have experienced a personal loss; whether it was the loss of a loved one, career, home or quite simply…hope. You may be tempted to carry into the new year the burdens of yesterday; a quite heavy load that oft times seem impossible to carry. Sometimes even wondering where was God through those sleepless nights and unbearable days.

According to Matthew 28:20 God says “…Lo I am with you always.” He was right there by your side! So I ask you, my brothers and sisters to perhaps think about your situations from a different perspective. Was there a common theme related to the pain, struggle, and hardship you endured this past year? Perhaps there was an area in your life God needed to bring to your attention. Maybe God allowed it to prune, refine, and complete you.

The theme that was a constant challenge in my life this past year was in the area of relationships. It seemed like I was being attacked on every side and in every aspect of my relationships; whether personal, family, or professional. After tirelessly, and frustratingly trying to work things out in my own strength I was humbled to my knees in prayer. God began to show me things about myself that I had not submitted to His will. In each relationship God used the other person to show me a mirror reflection of myself! The traits that I often had problems with in others were some of the same traits God was trying to perfect in me. Wow! And, on the other hand, I also struggled with character traits in others that were the extreme opposite of mine! Nonetheless, I could see how God allowed those situations to make me aware of my own behavior. When I realized the things that I was doing out of habit, stubbornness, or selfishness it was truly a wake up call! It wasn’t comfortable going through that season but I’m glad that I did! I learned a lot from those experiences and am very thankful God showed me what was in my own heart!

So I now ask you to revisit your trials and tests from the previous year. Now that you are looking at them through spiritual glasses, were there trying areas in your life where maybe God was building your character or maturing you spiritually? Spiritual growth often comes in the form of pain. It’s in those tough times that you learn how to depend on God. You strengthen your faith muscle when God delivers you out of trial after trial! Hallelujah! That’s how you get your spiritual wings and begin to fly! The more trials overcome, the closer you are to being free. Let’s go into the new year soaring!

~HaPpy NeW YeAr!

The Big come back

I have been away for little over a year now but I believe God is bringing HBC back for His will. I have gone through so much this past year! It has truly been a year of challenge, growth, courage, and spiritual maturity, not to mention humbling. 🙂 But, I can truly say it feels great to be here! Life did get a little tough, so much so I seriously considered discontinuing this blog. However, I was reminded of Genesis 50:20: But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good… (Genesis 50:20 NKJV)

In retrospect, I can see how God used trials to refine, sharpen, and purge me; to add just one more notch to my spiritual belt. Even at this writing, the the things that I have been through I’m honestly reluctant to start blogging again. Everyone who knows me knows that I am an incredibly private person and to open up my life to these pages is a real challenge–to say the least. Nonetheless, we can all learn from each other, so maybe…just maybe there will be some things here each of us can grasp on our spiritual journey. Lord, let your will be done! I’m working on reorganizing and updating HBC while simultaneously learning how to navigate this site. Some items I plan to incorporate are: adding videos, links, pics, book reviews, current events and even health info too! I’m excited! I will also be adding: “straight from my diary,” pages I copy verbatim from my personal diary! Ooh oh! : ) Writing is healing for me and I try to write down and reflect on experiences I may have gone through on a given day. I would encourage everyone to keep a journal and write down your feelings daily, if you are not already doing so. You will discover and learn so much about God, yourself, people, and life in general. Thoughts are so fleeting and to put them in writing gives one a chance to know your intimate self, learn from your mistakes, and document your spiritual growth. Most importantly, it allows the Holy Spirit to speak through you! I can personally attest to that. Oftentimes I would go back and reread something I had written and it’s as if I had read it for the first time; I get a totally new revelation!

Unfortunately, I may not have as much time to write as I did before, so my personal goal is to write at least bi-weekly. I pray that God gives you much insight and wisdom on your spiritual journey! God Bless you!